Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm putting the finishing touches on TXT part 2 for tomorrow (if your even thinking about missing it your crazy, some of this stuff of the Bible will blow your mind) and thumbing through the "Pocket Guide to the Bible" [Relevant Book] by Jason Boyett.

His summary of the book of Romans is both short and profound. I don't cry. But something about this statement still adds a little moisture to my eyes.

"[Regarding the book of Romans] This is Paul's longest letter, and the crux of his argument is that following the Law is powerless when it comes to salvation. No human is righteous, which sucks. And which also means we can't save ourselves. The only source of salvation? The only rescue from the dregs of sin? The only hope for fallen humanity? It's faith in Jesus Christ." [Emphasis Mine]

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