Wednesday, July 4, 2007

It's Messy!

In reading an article by Mark Driscoll he discusses how he planted a church and how he planned in being the next hip thing. He then goes on to realize that every generation of the church has its movements and someday will be the old thing that some young guy will want to replace!

But I love his conclusion:

"In the end, the future of the Church is much like the past and present of the Church - Messy. Churches that embrace their traditions over their children will die slow and painful deaths. Churches that embrace cultural relevance over biblical faithfulness will in time become heretics like Hymenaeus. The majority of small and struggling churches will cling on for dear life and keep reading books about the rapture in hopes that they can simply get out before they give up. And, God will put His hand on young punks who are unfit for the kingdom of heaven and fill them with a one-hundred proof shot of the Holy Spirit that transforms them from the typical Christian consumer or complainer into a co-laborer with Jesus who will remain busy building His Church just like He promised. These new pastors will plant new churches that attract new people with new questions that can only be answered by the old story that were all sick and need Jesus."

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