Thursday, November 1, 2007

Four Ministry Evaluation Areas for Leaders

Jim Wideman recently wrote a blog series highlighting four areas that ministry leaders should regularly evaluate. Here’s a summary:

  1. Your Attitude
    Do I have the heart of a servant?
    Am I an asset or a liability to my pastor?
    What is my attitude about others around me?
    Am I grumbling and complaining?
  2. Your Priorities
    It’s one thing to know your priorities, it’s another thing all together to live according to those priorities.
  3. Your Time Management
    How am I spending my time?
    Am I spending time daily with the Lord?
    Is my family suffering while my ministry is flourishing?
    Am I making time for personal growth and development?
  4. Your Performance
    Am I being a team builder or a one person show?
    What am I doing that someone else can do?
    Have I communicated clearly to all my workers what they are to do?
    Can I be relied on to complete assignments and keep commitments?

1 comment:

Jason Queen said...

Thanks for the link. These are great points. I pastor young adults at my church and this helped me a lot.