Thursday, August 28, 2008
For the nerds.
Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Urban Legends.
This is the first week of Urban Legends where we will be debunking spiritual myths.
Come this week expecting God to show up and show us who He is in a new way this week!
We will be looking at our first myth: That all roads lead to God. Bring some friends and lets pack out the house this Thursday so that we can lead people to be fully devoted followers of Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the light and no one comes to the Father-Creator God except through Him.
Pastor Erik
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
it - Part One
I've been a part of a few ministries that had it. it never seemed to last forever though.
It always seemed like it was also an infusion of passion for Jesus brought on by being where God wanted us to be. When we were fully devoted to Jesus. When it was there people where willing to miss out on other things to be a part of what Jesus was doing.
The good news is: if you don't have it you can get it.
The bad news is: if you have it you can lose it.
(Coming Soon- Chapter 2!)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am reading a book called "it" by Craig Groeschel for the second time. It just released and has been a big deal for me in looking at how I lead and adjusting my character so that God can use me however he wants too.
From the back cover:
"What is It, and how can you and your ministry get and keep It? Combining in-your-face honesty with off-the-wall humor, this book tells how any believer can obtain It, get It back, and guard It."
You got it, or you don't. Join me for the next few weeks as I look at the discussion questions from it.
Also you can buy it here. I recommend it.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
It has the potential to change the life of your friends.
God is calling us HOME. Pack out the house and let's lead people to be fully devoted followers of Christ - Together.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Home - Week Two

This week will be week two of our new series Home!
This week is a great one to invite a friend to as we learn about how God blesses us when we are home with Him!
Hope everyone is lovin the stage set up - props to my friend Jason French for a bunch of free props!
Also props to my wife for making it look awesome!
Thanks everyone for being a part of leading people to be fully devoted followers of Christ. Let's reach our generation!
Repost fun!
King Saul tried to help God out: he got tired of waiting for Samuel to offer the sacrifice, and decided to take care of business himself.
(Study 1 Samuel 13:7-14)
In his panic, he set off a chain reaction of events that led to his downfall.
His intentions were understandable. After all, God had promised him victory over his enemies. He was simply trying to expedite the process and make sure that God didn’t miss His deadline.
I’ve seen lots of people get in heaps of trouble in their attempts to give God a helping hand.
I’ve seen terrific girls marry complete losers because they got tired of waiting for God to send the right man into their lives. So they take their chances with the best available option, figuring they’ll fix him up. And boy, do they pay a high price for their impatience.
I’ve seen couples try to enjoy a standard of living that’s way over their heads in the first year of marriage, accumulating debt that delayed their financial freedom for decades to come.
God’s plan was to bless them incrementally as they earned, gave, and saved wisely…they just couldn’t wait. God’s way was too tedious…they wanted to be blessed right now!
God doesn’t need our help. He desires our obedient cooperation.
If you’re going to expect God’s best, you’ll have to do it God’s way.